Once, when me and Totty were walking through Dublin city centre, we saw a woman sporting a pair of tight, knee length shorts. Now this woman, who was other wise stylishly dressed, had a great figure, that she had obviously gone to great lengths to maintain. The shorts she was wearing were doing her the turn of making her legs look shorter and actually rather chubby.
In fact I confess, that I have never seen any woman wearing shorts and looking good in them. There is no length of short, no wonder fabric, no colour that will magically make shorts look good. Even more, there is no "perfect boot" or really thick black tights that you can wear with your shorts, that will improve the overall look.
There is nothing that can make shorts look good.
Just take them off, put on a proper pair of trousers, or if you really feel the need to wear something short, there are some fantastic skirt shapes around this winter season.
It being the depths of winter, and the temperature's infrequently going into double figures, this perhaps isn't the time of year to bear all and freeze for fashion, if the subject matter were something more flattering then that would be another storey.
I'm sure that there will be plenty of time in the summer for the more slight amongst us to wear very little, and look fantastic. So ladies, lets be a little more thoughtful about what we wear, and not let the catwalks dictate what we should wear. I'm sure that there is someone chuckling to himself every time he sees a woman wearing shorts, knowing that they are fantastic for business, as they use about a third less fabric, but of course, retail cost will be roughly the same as a pair of figure flattering trousers.
As a footnote, I will add this. Trousers, or "pants" for those living west of England, should be long enough to reach to at LEAST an inch below the ankle, and probably longer if you will be wearing heals. If you are ever tempted by a "fashion spread" that tells you that the new "black trouser" is seven eights length, I would advise you to do this.
1 Tear out said page.
2 Attach post-it note to page explaining that Tintin would like his trousers back.
3 Send the whole page back to the publisher concerned.
They should indeed know better, and have obviously forgotten that fashion is meant to make us all look fantastic.
I know that this is another fantastically long post with no pictures, but I didn't want to post a pic of a woman who I thought looked bad.
So here is a picture of my cat, and she always looks good.
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